Your Child Counselor in Phoenix
How do I know I need a counselor/therapist?
Your child is the most important thing to you! You care for them well and try your best to help them. But sometimes they push you beyond your limit. The fighting, chaos, constant yelling, self-shaming, disconnection, stress, and emotional outbursts tell you your child is not ok and you need help. Your child may seem hard to communicate with, they may be irritable, impulsive, and disorganized. Others are starting to comment and notice a difference. You need someone who understand your struggle, someone you can trust, someone who can bring out laughter, and someone who can restore peace. This is what I do for the families I work with.
Your child may be showing signs or be diagnosed with ADHD. You may be experiencing adapting to a divorce or preparing for the transition. Your child may be using substances, self-harming, and behaving in dangerous ways. It's time to listen to their cries for help and get support around your family.
I have previous experience with a child therapist, how will you help?
This may be the first time you seek out help or you may have reached out to a therapist in the past about these issues. Likely, you experienced your child going into a room for 45 minutes. Their therapist didn't approach you and they didn't share what happened in session. I don't believe this is the way to help you and your child. I understand that I will see your child for 2-4 hours a month, while the rest of the time, they are with you! My goal is to empower you and your relationship with your child through therapeutic experiences, appropriate developmental education, and continuous collaboration.
What should I expect from working with you?
I structure my session so that I may work with your child individually for the first 30 minutes. During that time, you can bring a book you have been trying to get to, work emails, Instagram, or put together your grocery pick up order. Whatever you want to do during that time, this is your break! (Use it wisely, why not live a little) Later, I bring you in towards the last 10-15 minutes of the session. During this time, your child and I will share with you, practice with you, and answer questions.
Additionally, I spend every fourth session with parents only! This is a parent coaching session where we get to assess progress, discuss questions, and even vent! (You get confidentiality too! Woohoo!)
What qualification do you have?
Great question! I know we are the right fit for one another because you are still reading and you still want to know more. If you want the nitty-gritty, here are the details: Children do not communicate in the same way adults do, and play is their language! I am trained as a marriage and family therapist, with over a decade of collective experience working with children and adolescents. I use evidence-based therapeutic approaches to facilitate your child's emotional growth and movement towards your goals. My work is influenced by experts like Dan Siegel, Ross Green, and Attachment based theories including Restoration Therapy. I collaborate with your child's teachers, Occupational Therapists, Pediatrician, and anyone else involved in your child's support team.

Tell me how I can help you find rest, today.
7227 N 16th St Suite #209
Phoenix, AZ 85020